Friday, April 13, 2012

Colette - What a wonderful life I’ve had, I only wish I had realized it sooner!

In Luxembourg happiness is not obvious or easy to find. There aren’t many inspiring people in the streets, you don’t find creative places at every corner or big crowds to get lost in, there’s not even a Starbucks to buy a caramel latte from. But with some effort you learn to appreciate other things and once you create your own universe you discover the bright side of Luxembourg. Like this field of crocuses I accidentally discovered in the city center.

All the writers I love, Garcia Marquez, Cehov, Jane Austen wrote about little places, somehow isolated, because even if we live in a big city, we actually live in a small neighborhood in an isolated block of flats. And the best thing in Luxembourg is that if you get tired of your own world, you can escape to Paris, London or Amsterdam, without much effort or money. 

It took me almost a year to appreciate my new world and after I put my own puzzle pieces together I felt the need to share with you the small and sometimes guilty pleasure of my new life in Luxembourg. My name is Cristina and I’m a journalist writing a new chapter of my life story in this small, but multicultural center of Europe. And if you like to discover good food, clever design, nice places or interesting stories I can’t wait to hear from you. So let’s listen to Collete’s words carefully and build together our own Happy Luxembourg.

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